Aaf Championship Trophy

Aaf Championship Trophy Rating: 7,1/10 3160 votes
Aaf Championship Trophy
Historic Dog Mushing Films from the Alaska Film Archives. Click on a thumbnail to view the movie.

1959 Open North Sled Dog Championship at Fairbanks, Alaska.
(AAF-1135; 4:22 min.)

Pulling harnesses from cache and hooking dogs up.
(AAF-1128; 0:59 sec.)

Women's Race of the 1954 Open North American Sled Dog Championship with winner, Effie Kokrine, holding the trophy.
(AAF-8746; 0:52 sec.)

George Attla winning the 1975 Open North American Sled Dog Championship.
(AAF-1591; 0:53 sec.)

Men making a dog sled using the techniques of cutting, steaming, and bending.
(AAF-1136: 4:03 min.)

Man making a sled dog harness.
(AAF-1136: 3:28 min.)

Dog sleds being used to haul logs 30 to 35 miles up the John River for construction of the first Chapel at Anaktuvuk.
(AAF-7950; 1:25 min.)

Dog team hauling logs for firewood.
(AAF-7619; 0:54 sec.)

Hooking up sled dogs and travel in McKinley Park.
(AAF-9485; 1:32 min.)

Mushing in McKinley Park.
(AAF-9485; 1:31 min.)

Interview with Joe Redington Jr. in Nome after the 1975 Iditarod.
(AAF-1795; 1:54 min.)

Joe Redington, Jr. at the start of the 1975 Iditarod sled dog race.
(AAF-5691; 0:52 sec.)

Anaktuvuk Pass, 1950.
(AAF-96: 0:66 sec.)

Hunter mushing on spring pack ice near Unalakleet.
(AAF-1100; 0:55 sec.)

Leonhard Seppala mushing dogs near Chatanika, 1947-1952.
(AAF-2240; 84 sec.)


Aaf Championship Trophy Tournament


Aaf Championship Trophy Winner

On Friday, Steve Spurrier received some new hardware for his crowded trophy case. When the AAF officially folded this spring, Spurrier told reporters that he thought his team, the Orlando Apollos. The AFC champions get the Lamar Hunt Trophy, memorializing the principal founder of the American Football League that later merged with the NFL. One of the prestigious individual honors is the Walter Payton Man of the Year, which recognizes the star Chicago Bears player for his off-field work.